Wisdom Tales

Last week I did a project called The Wild Strawberry. The Wild Strawberry is about a man running from a tiger and holding onto a vine. Then he noticed another tiger below him. Then he saw a strawberry on a wall and grabbed onto it and it saved him. So I put on a play with a partner and I narrated the scenes and my partner acted them out. The wisdom tale I was in was from Japan. I think it’s cool how many there are and how many places they can be from. My favorite wisdom tale is The Three Wishes. That wisdom tale is my favorite because it relates to life a lot. The moral was you always have to think about what you have instead of what you want. That can relate to life a lot because sometimes we don’t know what we want and what we need. Thanks for listening to my wisdom tale story.



I love swimming. I love swimming because it’s a water sport. I started out doing swimming lessons when I was really young. I did not like it at all. But as I grew up I would always look at my sister in the water swimming and think maybe I should just try again. I haven’t  always loved the water. Well I guess I’ve just grown to like it. I learned to swim when I was four years old. And Because of that I think I enjoy swimming now because I started young. 

Swimming has many different strokes. My favorite stroke is probably backstroke. I like backstroke because it doesn’t involve putting your face in the water. I also like kicking with my legs a lot. My least favorite stroke is butterfly because it’s a slower stroke so it takes more energy. That takes more energy because when you’re moving slower you carry more weight and that makes it harder while you are in the water.

Swimming is a very fun sport to me. I find swimming fun because you can be creative with it. For example there are so many different strokes and each person has a different way of swimming. Thank you for listening to why I love swimming. See you next time.