Finding Someplace Backpack

In Finding Someplace Reesie packed a backpack because of a hurricane. So if I had to pack a bag I would pack my devices, a flashlight, a blanket and food.                      

I would pack a bag because there are multiple things I need that I think are useful for a hurricane. I would pack those things because in a hurricane when I have to leave I won’t know where I’m going because there are a lot of places for safety. If I had to pack quickly I would probably forget a lot of things. 

 I would pack those things because 

  1. With my devices I call 911
  2. In case the power goes out and it’s dark I would have light 
  3. I would pack a blanket because again if the power goes and it’s cold I will have warmth
  4. I would bring food because most likely I’ll be hungry.

I think that I would feel the same way as Reesie if I was in that situation. I think another thing I would bring is water. I think that water is very important because you need it to live and you stay hydrated so I would always bring water.

So if you had to pack a bag, what would you pack?


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